Why Some eCommerce Sites Don't Succeed Like They Should
Find out why your eCommerce site might not be working as well as you expected it to.
In this webinar we review the key metrics that your eCommerce site should be hitting and maintaining.
Looking at your site through this framework helps you diagnose and prioritise underlying issues to address

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Any eCommerce business needs constant optimisation and work. It’s not an easy ride especially for traditional businesses making the jump for the first time.
Thankfully there are a number of principles and measurements that if you follow and manage – your chances of success are greatly improved. Watch the video here of the webinar as we walk through those principles and measurements.
About Your Speaker
John has a long track record of working in the Software, Consulting and eCommerce business. He was IBM’s first eBusiness evangelist in Ireland and from there he set up the ibm.com teams as part of IBM’s transformation away from a hardware vendor to a software and services leader. He later transitioned to Lenovo where he was responsible for setting up and running their eCommerce business in Europe creating a diverse team driving a multi-million dollar business in 14 countries.
He now works as a Digital Marketing Advisor and Consultant with Small and Large companies helping them grow their business through understanding and harnessing the right digital marketing capabilities, technologies and processes.